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Nordic Systems Engineering Tour 2016

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Nordic Systems Engineering TourZum vierten Mal in Folge wird die Nordic Systems Engineering Tour dieses Jahr in Hamburg bei oose stattfinden. Am 23. Mai startet die Tour auf dem oose-Campus. Es ist eine eintägige, nicht-kommerzielle Konferenz zum Thema Systems Engineering organisiert von der Systems-Engineering-Community. Nach Hamburg stoppt die Tour am 24. Mai in Kopenhagen, am 25. Mai in Stockholm und am 26. Mai in Helsinki. Die Tourspeaker werden an allen Orten ihren Vortrag halten ergänzt um lokale Speaker, die nur an einem Ort vortragen. Neben den Vorträgen gibt es Gelegenheit, sich mit den Speakern und den Teilnehmern auszutauschen.

Bis zum 19. Februar läuft der Call for Presenters. Details zur Tour und den folgenden Call for Presenters finden Sie auf der Tour-Webseite www.nordic-systems-engineering-tour.com.

Call for Presenters

The objective is to create a program that contains a balanced mix of talks addressing both general and local systems engineering challenges.

This year we have taken a wide approach of Systems Engineers and with a special focus on networking, where systems engineering from different domains can meet and learn from each other.
For the NOSE 2016 event we are looking for:

  • Tour speakers. As a tour speaker you will have a 30-45 minutes slot for delivering your talk at each of the venues. I.e., a tour speaker is expected to deliver the talks at all four stops at the tour. The topic of this kind of talk should be of interest to the audience of all four venues.
  • Local speaker. As a local speaker you will have a 30-45 minutes slot and can propose a shorter talk which will only be delivered at the venue of your choice. The topic may have a local or general interest.

Proposals for talks shall include

  • a title,
  • short abstract (max 500 words) to be used for the program,
  • an estimated presentation time (between 30 and 45 minutes),
  • optionally some sample slides or other additional material,
  • and a bio of the presenter (50-100 words) including a photo to be used for the program.

Submit your proposals via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nose16. The program committee may contact you to ask for more information.
Information on how to obtain a EasyChair account is available at the referenced page.

Final date for submission is February 19th 2016. Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee. Acceptance notification will be sent out by March 4th 2016. Please note that the tour language is English.

The basic principle is that each speaker shall cover his own expenses during the tour, but the organizers can subsidize speakers on a case by case basis. Prospective speakers shall in their proposals indicate whether they request a subsidize as a condition for participation in the tour.

Don’t hesitate to contact the organizers if there are any questions regarding the CfP at info@nordic-systems-engineering-tour.com.