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Was ist neu in der SysML 1.5 - Überblick

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OMG SysML LogoDieser Blogbeitrag ist Teil einer dreiteiligen Serie über die Änderungen in der SysML 1.5. Die Blogpost-Serie wurde zuerst in meinem englischsprachigen MBSE-Blog veröffentlicht.

This blog post series presents the changes of the SysML version 1.5 that are relevant for modelers. I skip those changes that only affect the specification document like typos or rewordings. You may also be interested in the blog post series about the changes of the SysML version 1.4.

The first part of this blog post series gives a brief overview of SysML 1.5. The second part covers the main change that affects the modeling of requirements, and the last part covers all other changes.

SysML 1.5 was published in May 2017. You find the specification document here.

You can find the list of all published SysML specifications on the OMG website at www.omg.org/spec/SysML. Alls PDFs are available for free. The OMG charges nothing for their standards.

The SysML 1.5 is authored by the SysML 1.5 Revision Task Force (RTF). Members of the RTF are representatives of different companies that are members of the OMG. Among them are tool vendors like NoMagic or IBM, industrial users like NASA or Airbus, and other organizations like NIST or my company oose.

The RTF works through a list of issues that could be submitted by anyone who finds something suspect in the SysML standard. The form to report an issue could be accessed on the OMG website at issues.omg.org/issues/create-new-issue.

The resolutions for each issue are presented and discussed in the regular web conferences and physical meetings of the RTF. Finally, the members of the RTF vote on the resolutions to accept (or reject) them.

Since a while, the SysML 1.6 RTF has started to work on the next revision of SysML. The RTF is chaired by representatives from Airbus, NASA, and myself from oose.

In parallel, the work on the next generation of SysML has also started (SysML v2). It is planned to publish the Request for Proposal for SysML v2 at the end of this year. It will then take still some years before the SysML v2 will be formally published as the new official SysML version.